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Showing posts from August, 2018

Oracle SOA JMS Adapter TOPIC configuration with SOA based Subscriber's

Hello Everyone, Hope you enjoy blogging!!!!! Today i am going to explain how we can use TOPIC in oracle SOA where we will publish message into Queue from one service and other services will consume message from topic. Steps to create JMS TOPIC: 1. Click on Services Menu 2. Click on Messaging Sub-menu 3. Click on JMS Modules. 4. Click on SoaJmsModule. 5. Click new 6. Select Distributed Topic anc click next             1. Enter Name "ProjTopic"             2. Enter JNDI Name "jms/ProjTopic".             3. Click on Advanced Target             4. Select SubDeployments "SoaSubDeployments" from dorp down.             5. Select Server "SoaJmsServer1" "SoaJmsServer2" from server list  ...

Team Share & Gems Integration over Oracle SOA

Hello Everyone, Recently i came across with a requirement to make an integration with GEMS (Some 3rd party tool) and Microsoft share point(Referred as team share in this blog). Both systems are different with each other in terms of security protocols,message handling. Me & my team spent quiet long time over it so we can easily complete this integration in SOA or OSB but lot's of efforts bring us to always 0 due to many limitations in both platforms and in SOA too. After wasting more then one month we decided to involve JAVA for making back-end API calls and other integration will be done using SOA, So let me tell you first what all challenges we faced for this integration. System's over view: 1., It's a tool to keep track of some legal processes (No more information available to me over it). 2.Micro-soft share point. End Req: 1.We will be having few schedulers which will run once/twice in a day and check for new/updated ...