Recently I came up with a video of “Mark Nelson”,
where he shown how we can use maven SOA 12+ version to create SOA project from scratch
and how maven can help us to create build and deployment of same to server.
Today we are going to see how maven is configured and how
SOA project is created from it and how maven deploy build on SOA server.
Step 1: Go to
oracle home maven location in my case it is “C:\Oracle12C_BPM\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\plugins\maven\com\oracle\maven\oracle-maven-sync\12.2.1”.
% ORACLE_HOME %\oracle_common\plugins\maven\com\oracle\maven\oracle-maven-sync\12.1.3
Open command prompt and go to step one dir location.
Step 2: Run the
Maven install command.
mvn install:install-file
-Dfile=oracle-maven-sync-12.2.1.jar -DpomFile=oracle-maven-sync-12.2.1.pom
SET ORACLE_HOME=C:\Oracle12C_BPM\Middleware\Oracle_Home
Check Oracle_home is set or not with echo command.
mvn -Doracle-maven-sync.oracleHome=%ORACLE_HOME%
These commands will
take time, As multiple JARS will be downloaded.
if you see mvn is not an installed command, You need to set
“M2_HOME” and “PATH” system variables.
In my case, I had configured them on command level only.
SET M2_HOME=E:\Tools\maven-3.5.0
After it we will run MVN command provided in second step.
Now it will download MVN repo and required JAR files to your
SOA ENV, You can see that in command prompt where you executed this command.
Step 3: Update your archetype catalog using
mvn archetype:crawl
In my case:
mvn archetype:crawl -Dcatalog=C:\Users\Sandeep\.m2\archetype-catalog.xm
This command will take some time as it will scan &
update downloaded JARs.
Step 4: Generate SOA Application and project as shown
below. This generates SOA application test-sandeep-application with project test-sandeep-project.
mvn -X archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=oracle-soa-application
-DarchetypeVersion=12.2.2-0-0 -DartifactId=test-sandeep-application
-DprojectName=test-sandeep-project -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT
-DarchetypeArtifactId=oracle-servicebus-application -DarchetypeVersion=12.2.1-2-0 -DartifactId=test-servicebus-application
-DprojectName=test-servicebus-project -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT
Here we used -X for debugging so we can see what processing
is running to create SOA project.
SOA project create
It will ask for confirmation, Press “Y”
@Note: If you
faced any error related to NO Jar Found for version “12.2.2-0-0” or “12.2.1-2-0”,
open your maven repo and go to desired location and check for POM file whether
it has complete pom file or not.
Import this maven project
in JDeveloper using File –> Import and select
the Maven
Project option as
shown below. Click OK.
Click OK if you get any
error related to overriding the existing project dialog so that jws file is
created. Now your project explorer should look like as below.
Open project level POM
file in Resources directory of
SOA Project and observe the details.
Compile SOA Application
using mvn
compile (from directory of SOA Application).
server details in project level POM file as shown below and deploy your SOA
projects using mvn
pre-integration-test (from SOA application directory).
After execution, you will see following output and also can observe the
SOA project deployed to SOA server as shown below.
You can execute SOA Plugin
goals in the following manner from the directory containing project POM file.
You can observe goal prefix as oracle-soa, when you
describe the SOA Plugin as shown below.
so you can execute all goals
simply using this goal prefix as below.
Note: Use double quotes in the maven commands like below if you
are seeing the error mentioned in this link.
mvn install:install-file
“-DpomFile=oracle-maven-sync-12.1.3.pom” “-Dfile=oracle-maven-sync-12.1.3.jar”
Learned a lot of new things from your post!
ReplyDeleteOracle SOA Online Training
Enjoyed reading the article above, really explains everything in detail, the article is very interesting and effective. Thank you and good luck for the upcoming articles.Oracle OSB Online Training
ReplyDelete-Doracle-maven-sync.oracleHome=%ORACLE_HOME% is not working. It should be -DoracleHome=%ORACLE_HOME%
ReplyDeleteI have so many blog but out of those i feel this is a good one.
ReplyDeleteOracle Integration Cloud Service Online Training
nice its very use ful for me .......................................!
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